Hakan Savaş Mİcan

2017, Videoinstallation
Hakan Savaş Mican’s mother came to work in Germany in 1972, since 1999 she’s been back in Turkey, living on the Black Sea coast. Her son, her monthly pension and countless collected crockery in a cellar in Berlin are her last connections to Germany.
For 18 years she had been planning to take these dishes to Turkey. Mican finally took them out of the cellar and asked
his mother to remember individual pieces. Souvenirs is both an attempt to reconstruct a past and a journey towards a present that hasn’t arrived yet.
Hakan Savaş Mican, born 1978 in Berlin, is a film and theatre director. He grew up in Turkey and lives and works in Berlin i.a. as resident director at Maxim Gorki Theatre. Mican’s first play at Gorki Schwimmen Lernen was invited to the theatre festival ›Radikal jung‹ in 2014. His work has further been featured as part of the 1. and 2. Berliner Herbstsalon (2013, 2015).