Yael Ronen

Theaterinszenierung, 2017
»The community of European peoples went to pieces when – and because – it allowed its weakest member to be excluded and persecuted.« Hannah Arendt
At a time when Europe is at risk of drifting into neo-fascism, a group of actors is calling for a Roma army for the purpose of self-defence. A rapid intervention force to fight structural discrimination, racism and antiziganism, but also as emancipation from an internalized role of victims. The actors are Romnija, Roma and Romani travellers from Austria, Serbia, Germany, Kosovo, Romania, England and Sweden. They are also Israeli-German-Turkish-Berlin Gadjé – that means that the Roma Army is supranational, diverse, feminist, queer. Initiated by the sisters Simonida and Sandra Selimović, they are entering the stage at the Gorki in a collective act of selfempowering artistic action with resident director Yael Ronen: through a joint research process, personal experiences, historical contaminations and contemporary incidents are explored and used to develop a play. Together with visual artists Delaine and Damian Le Bas from England, they sketch out a vision for a Safe European Home in Gypsyland Europe, as the Le Bas call it.
Yael Ronen wurde 1976 in Jerusalem geboren, lebt in Tel Aviv und Berlin. Ihre Inszenierungen Common Ground und The Situation werden beide zum Berliner Theatertreffen eingeladen (2015 und 2016). Neben dem Gorki, wo sie Hausregisseurin ist, arbeitet sie u.a. an den Kammerspielen München und dem Volkstheater Wien. Teilnahme am 1. Berliner Herbstsalon des Maxim-Gorki-Theaters (2013).