Luchezar Boyadjiev

2004-2013, Photography Installation
This photographic collection presents images of equestrian monuments from all around the world. By removing the figures of the riders from the images – most of them male rulers and warriors – with the help of digital reworking, Boyadjiev creates an unsettling effect and invites viewers to question the rationale behind marking public space with statues of political heroes who tend to be representations of patriarchal power. But he achieves something else too: we are free to admire the beauty of horses, something that has long been ignored in these monuments.
Luchezar Boyadijev, is an artist based in Sofia, Bulgaria. His work is about private interpretations of public space and visuality of global cities. His works were shown a.o. Zhejiang Art Museum, China (2017), PERA Museum, Istanbul (2016), at the 1. International Biennale (2012) and at ZKM, Karlsruhe (2011). He previously participated at the 1. Berliner Herbstsalon (2013).