Raša Todosijević

Gott liebt die Serben – Balkan Banquet
, Installation, 2002–2013
With his installation series, Gott liebt die Serben – Balkan Banquet, Todosijević studies symbols and their unstable meanings. Instead of being permanent he believes that symbols are always dependent on a particular historical context. The symbol of the swastika could long be found in different religions and cultures. With the advent of Christianity, however, it almost disappeared from European high culture and was embraced by folk art. According to Todosijević, he took the inspiration for his swastika pieces from esoteric groups of nineteenth century France and from certain artworks by artists such as Gustave Courbet and Marcel Duchamp.
Raša Todosijević, artist, born in 1945 in Belgrade. Lives and works in Belgrade.