
2015, Performance
In the exhibition and during a performative walking tour of the city with their Tohubassbuuh, an oversized mobile megaphone, bankleer bring sounds and texts about fleeing and its reasons to collide with the present. In this way, the artists create new relationships between public space, political-economic (dis)orders and the people who act within it.
With: Mehmet Ateşçi and Mareike Beykirch
Music: Patric Catani
Duration: ca. 90 min.
Funded by Kulturstiftung des Bundes.
Karin Kasböck, born 1969 in Mühldorf, and Christoph Leitner, born 1968 in Altötting, have worked together in Berlin since 1999 as the duo bankleer. Exhibitions in kunstraum muenchen (2012), at the Berliner Herbstsalon, Maxim Gorki Theater, Berlin (2013), transit/Bratislava (2014), Wiener Festwochen (2014), compeung, Chiang Mai, Thailand (2015) and at the Steirischer Herbst, Graz (2015) among others.