
2015, Mappings
How do refugees perceive a city like Berlin? How and where do power(lessness) relations manifest themselves? In cooperation with artists Sarnath Banerjee, Christian Hanussek and Diana Lucas-Drogan, as well as numerous other participants, metroZones presents a series of overlapping »mappings«. These include spatial, social and temporal relations. The graphical representation through mapping tells of refugees claiming urban space, self-organization practices in the city, memories and the desire for a place of their own.
metro Zones – Zentrum für städtische Angelegenheiten was founded in 2007 in Berlin as an independent association for critical urban research. metroZones operates at the interdisciplinary intersections between research, arts and political education, and cooperates with institutions such as the nGbK, the Haus der Kulturen der Welt or the Federal Agency for Civic Education.