»Guter Flüchtling – böser Flüchtling«
While many volunteers are giving support to refugees, the German government’s new draft law sets out numerous measures, which will further disenfranchise and discriminate against them. What’s more, the division between »good refugees« who mostly come from Syria and other war zones, and »bad refugees « who come from the Balkans, is thus being established. But what are the »right« reasons for being let in? Hamze Bytyci invites experts to debate the idea of »Romanistan«—a state for the Roma and its party which has yet to be founded. 70% information, 30% show.
»Sind wir nicht alle ein bisschen ÇaÇele «
Multiculturalism must not die because there are thousand of Roma nations and cultures. But at the second of Hamze Bytyci’s talk shows, neither »the Roma« nor the guests want to be defined by the outside world: instead they would like to define their bodies and identities as they see fit. However, transsexuality and homosexuality in particular are taboo and frowned upon by Roma communities. To break this taboo, Hamze Bytyci puts on a shrill paradise dress and does not mince his words. 30% information, 70% show.